Video trailer
This surreal, coming-of-age comedy series follows Ulysses and his friends Carly, Ford, and Severine, who are on various quests pursuing love, sex and fame. Between sexual and romantic dating-app adventures, Ulysses grows increasingly troubled as foreboding premonitory dreams make him wonder if some kind of dark and monstrous conspiracy is going on, or if he is just smoking too much weed.
Original title Now Apocalypse
First air date Mar. 10, 2019
Last air date May. 12, 2019
Seasons 1
Episodes 10
Seasons and episodes
1 Season 1 Mar. 09, 2019
- 1 - 1This Is the Beginning of the End Mar. 10, 2019
- 1 - 2Where Is My Mind? Mar. 17, 2019
- 1 - 3The Rules of Attraction Mar. 24, 2019
- 1 - 4The Downward Spiral Mar. 31, 2019
- 1 - 5Stranger Than Paradise Apr. 07, 2019
- 1 - 6She's Lost Control Apr. 14, 2019
- 1 - 7Anywhere Out of the World Apr. 21, 2019
- 1 - 8Unknown Pleasures Apr. 28, 2019
- 1 - 9Disappear Here May. 05, 2019
- 1 - 10Everything Is Gone Forever May. 12, 2019